Ant Assault - Devlog Week 3

The Journey Continues!

As week three of production closes, we welcome you again to the Ant Assault Devlog! We have made significant progress and have implemented new changes based on feedback we received from players, alongside implementing content and environmental polishing to improve our game as much as possible and make it enjoyable and memorable too!

After completing the first testing cycle consisting of over twenty participants in total, Zach gathered lots of helpful and positive feedback on our game. The testing has helped expose areas on which we can improve, these being introducing the players to experiencing the climbing mechanic, providing players with functions to help combat motion sickness and disorientation, and player feedback revolving around combat.

Wall Climbing Changes

When playtesting Ant Assault, numerous notes have been taken from feedback about disorientation and motion sickness for this peculiar mechanic. We have listened and provided new ways of combating this issue. 

  • The Camera FOV has been set to 75 degrees.
  • All chambers have undergone renovations to accommodate ‘landmarks’ and more detail for players to use to keep their bearings.
  • Chambers have also redesigned sections to be more user-friendly and less aggressive when climbing with smaller changes in angles.
  • Smoothing camera/movement experimentation
  • Plans to introduce many camera/movement settings for players to customise for a more personal and enjoyable experience.
  • Ben added an ADS (Aim Down Sights) function, activated by holding  ‘right click’ and will lock the orientation of the player’s aim, no matter the change of orientation of the player character.

(Above: A Gif of the player character crossing the log in chamber 1 with and without ADS)

Level Design Changes

We have been very busy in the design discipline to bring only the best level designs to the final product and have begun new revisions on multiple chambers to match our themes and improve the exciting gameplay experience when playing Ant Assault. All chambers have undergone alterations to varying degrees, some becoming completely reworked to effectively use the climbing mechanics and the new challenges and opportunities it presents! 

Chamber 1

Fortunately, chamber one has stayed the same for the most part in the layout; however, Felix has added numerous new decorations to the chamber to improve the look and quality of the room, carefully placing assets in a way that players can use them to understand where they are in space when becoming used to the climbing mechanic as it is first introduced in this room. 

The ‘ditch’ obstacle, which players reach after crossing over the log, has been smoothed out, so the sharpness of the camera movement is smoother and less disorienting.

Chamber 2

As we play tested chamber two, we found some minor issues which we would like to patch to improve the smoothness and look of the chamber, so Jennifer has taken to learning blender to recreate the room as an FBX file and has taken the opportunity also to expand the width and depth of the chamber to provide more space for combat, opening more angles and making it more engaging to run around in. This also means that the platforms and climbable objects will feel smoother and have fewer issues, and when it is time, Felix and Daniel, along with other artists, can help decorate and do the set dressing for the chamber with Jennifer. In preparation, Felix has also begun creating environmental assets to implement, and here is a hint of what’s in store!

Chamber 3

Chamber three has undergone some major changes with the layout, as the previous design did not utilise the mushroom platforms and climbing mechanics to the fullest potential, and so Zach and Jack have redesigned the level to include a winding path with pickups for the player hidden above the platforms, so the player is encouraged to explore the room and use the climbing mechanic. Here are some images of the concept art for the chamber below:


(Above, left to right: the first and second revisions of the redesigned chamber 3)

Jack has also remade some mushroom assets with a spindlier look, which will help blend into the theme when it is time to complete set dressing on the level. Below is a photo of the new mushrooms:

Chamber 4

Chamber four has undergone some minor adjustments, where Lachlan W has collaborated with Aaron in adding and replacing environmental assets, for example, these large glowing ‘Extractors’ that process the crystals in the chamber have replaced the two major crystals seen previously in older revisions of the chamber! They are living machines and process the crystals for the fire ants to use in the construction of weaponry and may have other mysterious uses…

(Above, left to right: Extractor in modelling software, and Extractor in engine with the enemy soldier and worker for scale)

(Aaron’s concept art that reimagines/builds upon chamber 4)

Chamber 5

Chamber five, also known as the final chamber, has undergone a complete rework in terms of the shape and layout initially presented, and James has now worked on a design that consists of a large, dome-like dirt structure with a large floor for combat. This also gives artists lots of room for set dressing when we reach the next stage of the final chamber.

HUD and Menus

Nik worked alongside Anthony to get the health bar and ammo UI elements working with his code, with a segmented health bar system and indicative colours for ammo.

Nik also began work on the functionality of the main menu and the options menu, where he made volume sliders and options to alter player FOV and mouse sensitivity. 

The HUD in Ant assault is well under development, with Lachlan M and Nik working on multiple revisions of designs, including the health bar and ammunition count, and Lachlan M and Michael helping with the crosshairs.

Menu art is also in the works for the title screen and settings, currently under Felix, and should be seen in new builds soon!

Updates to Combat systems

An Important feature that was necessary for our next milestone was the finalisation of combat systems which included implementing weapon damage, weapon functionality through animation events, giving enemies the ability to use weapons, as well as visual features. 

Ben extended his previous functionality for the combat systems, adding enemy and player death and respawning; enemy object pooling for performance improvement; linking animations and weapons; as well as things like the sap lobber slow and gradual damage effects. Nik made the health systems which were used alongside the damage systems, to make everything work.

Ammo and health pickups functionality was also implemented by Ben.

On the VFX side of things, progress has certainly been made with particle effects created for the Carapiercer, which includes the amber bullets firing, the bullets shattering, and ant goop splatter for visual feedback when the player hits the enemy. These visual effects were created by Jack and to be implemented by Ben.

The placeholder sound effects were created by Anthony earlier during development but were yet to be implemented due to higher priority tasks; however, nearing the end of this week, it was decided that it was finally time to get them working in-game. Ben worked alongside Anthony to get the sound systems for weapons, characters, pickups, and projectiles functional and playing in-game.

Changes made to Enemies and their AI

There has been tons of work invested in the enemies of Ant Assault across all disciplines of Art, Design, and Programming for a combination of models, animations, Navmesh placement, and AI behaviours! We, as a team, have collaborated to create newer, more detailed models for the enemies and players courtesy of Aaron, with placeholder animations sourced by Aaron and implemented by Ben.

Models and Animations

(Soldier and worker ants, left and right image respectively - made by Aaron)

Below are the new models and animations that have been implemented/are to be implemented

(Weapons animations)

(Blending of different running animations)


Ben has also worked on updating and improving the enemy AI by discussing with designers about the different possibilities of group behaviours between the two enemies of the game. It was decided after these discussions that the commanding nature of soldier ants was to be extended, where worker ants now closely follow the soldiers and swarm the player in groups. The goal of these behaviours was to make the gameplay much more interesting for the player, giving them two separate enemy groups to focus on - the small rush groups and the soldier ants and their defenders.

Navmesh for the chambers in Ant assault has been implemented in multiple chambers already, exercising our abilities and helping the team perform educated guesses of how much time and energy is needed for implementing it, and fortunately falls well under the scope. Although some chambers are currently being redesigned, they are also taking the navmesh abilities into account and designing around its limits, so when it is time to implement the navmesh, it fits easily and has no issues with AI traversing chambers. Ben, Lachlan W, and Zach have all taken the time to learn and understand linking together navmeshes on objects and now can help use this skill to collaborate with other designers working on chambers. Navmesh has also been implemented in chambers one and four (except in chamber 1, navmesh isn't necessary as there will be no enemies) 

(Above images of the navmesh elements - the links and the navmeshes itself)

We have already begun preparing for the second cycle of testing, which I (Thomas) have written and formulated for even newer content, and we will hope to see you there when it is ready for the next step of Ant Assault!


AntAssault - Alpha 3.0 (Old).zip 34 MB
Nov 10, 2022

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